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    layout: lyricaltragedy
    inspiration: reversescollide

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    18 February 2006 @ 11:15 PM

    // No leaf clover

    Omg Ruiyi just traumatised me with this picture of her friend's boyfriend who looks like a freaking girl. Long hair, pretty eyes and all. This is very bad, I may have nightmares tonight.


    Cabbed down to KAP to meet Cheryl and her RV friends for breakfast. The meeting time was actually at 9am but as usual I woke up at half an hour later, haha.

    Went to ACJC's Fun-O-Rama afterwards. I thought we could beat the afternoon crowd by coming early but fuck, people are really enthusiastic y'know? -__-

    Plunged into the cacophonous sea of humanity at 11am. Before we knew it, Jireh got lost and our armpits stank of an unpleasant sour aroma and our sweat-stained T-shirts clung onto our sun-baked skins.

    Well, at least mine did.

    Met up with Kalai, Kat, Jiayue, Tommy, Leonard and whoever else and went to LT5's Haunted House. Bloody gay lah, total waste of $8. At least the tour was hilarious.

    There were 3 strangers who joined our group and they were infront. The tour guide led us to this scene where a white figure with blood-red fingernails and stupid long hair (yawn) was sitting at of a dressing table and combing her hair. All was almost normal until she suddenly leapt out from her chair and plunged towards the group, wailing hysterically.

    A series of chain reactions prompty took place after this:

    1) The 3 guys screamed like pigs and stumbled backwards as the unearthly thing crawled towards them, Sadako style (the thing, not the guys).
    2) They bumped into Sherilyn and I, causing us to lose our balance.
    3) The 5 of us toppled backwards and fell on our butts screaming.
    4) Leonard picked up some random prop item and threw it at the thing's head, not expecting it to wheel around and stagger towards him as a counter attack.
    5) Apparently, he was very wrong.
    6) So, he ran for his life and tried to hide behind Kalai (he's about twice her height, by the way).
    7) That bloody indian screamed worse than a pig, making everyone (including the tour guide and the thing itself, for that matter) even more petrified.

    Oh my son. Don't you just love my friends or what? :D

    Anyways Marcus Ng (aka Georgina) came after that so I hung around with him for awhile. We played the rocket game and broke the record for the furthest distance! Sadly, there weren't any prizes for that because we actually had to shoot it into this confined space on the field, not all the way to the opposite side of the track.

    Spent the rest of the day with Celine afterwards. We played this coconut bowling game which is freaking retarded. The prize I won is DAMN CUTE LAH. It's this tiny blue transparent vanity bag with some fluffy shit at the opening part, and it contains a comb, butterfly clips, rubber bands and other hair accessories. And guess what? THEY'RE ALL IN BLUE! (x (x (x

    Met the softballers at Egyptian Knockout (best, I finally remember a stall name) after awhile. Marcus Lim (aka Down Syndrome) is WACKED I tell you. The game was to knock down 2 stacks of cans with 4 balls and he knocked down 18 cans! The best thing was the first prize was an iPod Nano so you can imagine the horror in his face when he was awarded a DISPOSABLE CAMERA.

    Went to some other haunted house with Mark Chiang, Royston, Celine and 3 strangers (not the same ones as LT5, thank God) afterwards. It wasn't too bad, the props were better than LT5's one but the experience cannot match LT5 hahaha.

    Rushed home and out again for piano lesson and had grill for dinner. Super yummy, I feel fat now though boohoo.

    Okay I'm off to er... Study Econs. Bloody stupid Bernard Low confiscated my playing cards yesterday. Now I have to bring another deck to school, SO ANNOYING.

    Nights! :D