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    layout: lyricaltragedy
    inspiration: reversescollide

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    28 September 2009 @ 12:20 AM

    // Don't bother translating.

    私は考えているものを私が知っていることを望む。 私は暗闇で保たれたいと思わない。 それはずっと1年既にである、けれどもそれはまだ時々傷つく。 あるものがあなたの心に私に言いなさい。 自由な私置かれる。お願いだから。


    27 September 2009 @ 12:32 AM

    // Whilst searching for my iPod cable,

    I came across a sermon notebook buried from almost 2 years ago. And on the last page it says:

    Some people say that in this world, out of a population of 4 billion people, there exists only one person that loves you more than you love him/her; more than you love other people; and most importantly, more than you'll ever love yourself.

    And since that chance is 1 in 4 billion, if you manage to met that person, you'll be really lucky right?

    But I was thinking, if this statement is really true, aren't we all already the luckiest people in the world?

    Cos we don't have to climb the highest mountains or swim the deepest seas to find that person. All we need to do is to look no further than our own Bibles to realize who that special someone is.

    We love God cos He first loved us. Even when we sin and forget His love, take it for granted or even stop loving Him altogether, He will always love us faithfully, just like how the sun's rays will never fail to reach the ground no matter how many trees block it, or how deep the ground is. So it's up to the seed in the ground to find its way through the darkness and go towards the light. Of course, it will run into problems, like its roots may be caught under some rocks, or the ground may be too hard to break through. But as long as the sun continues to shine, that seed has a purpose to live on.


    Now I understand why it's so important to journal your thoughts down. Because sometimes the only reminder you really need comes from within.

    Okay back to cable hunting. Methinks my sister sneaked it off to Down Under. Rawrrr.

    02 September 2009 @ 1:39 AM

    // From here

    Uncommon amount of the time at home
    Hardly a word on the telephone
    Finally find the time to get to know you
    Mapping it out like a master plan
    Something to do with my idle hands
    Write you a letter addressed from California

    It's vivid and strong in my memory
    An absence that smacks of abandoning
    It led to the battle that ultimately destroyed us
    I'm nothing if I don't know your mistakes
    The pill is as bitter as I can take
    It twists like a blade when I leave for California

    I hope that you know this is killing me
    It's all in the name of the family
    We only can play the cards the dealer dealt us
    The end of the cycle is closing in
    With you I see new hope begin again
    There suddenly seems to be promise in California

    As heavy as all this is weighing me
    Believe in the words I am promising
    I'm still here for her you
    The distance is only an obstacle
    Hardly a match for a miracle

    I'm finally ready to go to California