03 March 2006 @ 11:57 AM
// Yellow brick road
Using my sister's tablet now the keypad is freaking stupid. I keep making typos, this is very frustrating.
JAE posting results today. ACS(I)'s cut-off is 8 points, how retarded. I never knew this school was
that pro. I hope Wanxian's appeal is succesful, I sooo want her to come here. /=
I was feeling very down because I was damn scared the school will retain me by the end of the year. Just look at my test results and my attitude in class and you'd be able to predict my term report correctly. Ah depressing.
Lessons ended around 11.20 am because of Life Science Symposium. Sat between Colin and Wanxian (haha Xinling and I dragged her into the auditorium with us) during the talk. Naturally, I fell asleep on Wanxian and Colin fell asleep on me.
The guy infront of Wanxian slept in such a way that his head ended up resting on Wanxian's knees. Champion number one.
Today's training was THE BEST so far! Sailed with Jessica again and WE DIDN'T CAPSIZE AT ALL. Like omgz, clap please. :D
Had a birthday bash for Mr Lim and Uncle Tony. Caught up with Xinling again (<333!) and basically just gossiped with the Year 5s.
Oh, the food is really good. (: Had like, 3 helpings omg what ever is happening to my so-called diet someone please shoot me now.
Apparently, the guys think Crescent girls are bloody hilarious and even took a video of Xinling and I doing God-knows-what. Ahha embarassing, but nevermind I'm quite shameless as you all know. (x
Got a lift from one of the guy's mom and dropped off at KAP to wait for my dad. I actually studied Econs there okay, PRO OR PRO.
However I met Jarvin and his friends there and thus promptly abandoned my notes. Played Bridge until my dad came and went home.
Thank God for sailing and Xinling. If not for these 2 very important factors of my life, I would be very well on my way to Ngee Ann Polytechnic now.
Oooh nice show on HBO now. Barely 5 minutes before it started there's already sounds of guns and 3 people are lying on the floor covered in blood. I likeee. :D